
const { defaultLogger: logger } = require("../utils/logger");
const { KeyConditionBuilder } = require("../key-condition");
const { FilterExpressionBuilder } = require("../filter-expression");
const { ObjectNotFound } = require("../object-not-found");
const { PrimaryKeyConfig } = require("../model-config");
const assert = require("assert");
const { retryOperation } = require("../utils/retry-helper");
const { QueryCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb");

const QueryMethods = {
   *@memberof BaoModel
   * @description
   * Queries items by their primary key value with an optional sort key condition
   * For more details, see queryByIndex. In general, it's recommended to use
   * queryByIndex and give a name to the index. You can do this by adding
   * an index name in the indexes section of the model definition and setting
   * it to primaryKey. For example:
   * models:
   *   TaggedPost:
   *     ...
   *     indexes:
   *       postsForTag: this.primaryKey
   * @param {*} pkValue - The partition key value to query
   * @param {Object|null} skCondition - Optional sort key condition in the format: { fieldName: value } or { fieldName: { $operator: value } }
   * @param {Object} options - Query options (same as queryByIndex options)
   * @returns {Promise<Object>} Returns an object containing items, count, lastEvaluatedKey, and consumedCapacity
  async queryByPrimaryKey(pkValue, skCondition = null, options = {}) {
    const params = this._getBaseQueryParams(
      this._formatPrimaryKey(this.modelPrefix, pkValue),

    const response = await retryOperation(() =>
      this.documentClient.send(new QueryCommand(params)),

    return this._processQueryResponse(response, options);

   *@memberof BaoModel
   * @description
   * Queries related objects via a mapping table.
   * This is primary used by the code generator to build helper functions
   * for querying related objects. For most common operations, you should
   * not need to use this method directly.
  async getRelatedObjectsViaMap(
    mapSkCondition = null,
    limit = null,
    direction = "ASC",
    startKey = null,
  ) {
    return await this.queryByIndex(indexName, pkValue, mapSkCondition, {
      loadRelated: true,
      relatedOnly: true,
      relatedFields: [targetField],

   *@memberof BaoModel
   * @description
   * This is the primary method for querying data via a named index or primary key.
   * If possible, you should always specify a sort key condition using skCondition.
   * This will use dynamodb's index to query the data without scanning the partition.
   * Optionally, you can specify a filter condition to further narrow down the results.
   * Please note that a filter condition will scan anything in the partition that matches
   * the skCondition, so if you haven't specified a skCondition, this will scan
   * the entire partition (and consume more capacity units). However, there may
   * also be times when this works without issue and is more efficient than adding
   * another index and paying for the write overhead of the index.
   * @param {string} indexName - The name of the index to query based on the model definition
   * @param {string|Object} pkValue - The partition key value to query.
   * @param {Object|null} skCondition - Optional sort key condition in the format: { fieldName: value } or { fieldName: { $operator: value } }
   *                                   Supported operators: $between, $beginsWith
   *                                   Example: { status: 'active' } or { createdAt: { $between: [date1, date2] } }
   * @param {Object} options - Additional query options
   * @param {number} options.limit - Maximum number of items to return (default: model.defaultQueryLimit)
   * @param {string} options.direction - Sort direction, 'ASC' or 'DESC' (default: 'ASC')
   * @param {Object} options.startKey - Exclusive start key for pagination
   * @param {boolean} options.countOnly - If true, returns only the count of matching items
   * @param {Object} options.filter - Additional filter conditions for the query. For full filter syntax, see {@link FilterExpressionBuilder#build}
   * @param {boolean} options.returnWrapped - If false, returns raw DynamoDB items instead of model instances
   * @param {boolean} options.loadRelated - If true, loads related models for RelatedFields
   * @param {string[]} options.relatedFields - Array of field names to load related data for (used with loadRelated)
   * @param {boolean} options.relatedOnly - Used by mapping tables to return only target objects;
   *                                        loadRelated and a single entry in relatedFields must be provided
   * @returns {Promise<Object>} Returns an object containing:
   *   - items: Array of model instances or raw items
   *   - count: Number of items scanned
   *   - lastEvaluatedKey: Key for pagination (if more items exist)
   *   - consumedCapacity: DynamoDB response metadata including ConsumedCapacity
   * @throws {Error} If index name is not found in model
   * @throws {Error} If sort key condition references wrong field
   * @example
   * // Basic query
   * const results = await Model.queryByIndex('statusIndex', 'active');
   * // Query with sort key condition
   * const results = await Model.queryByIndex('dateIndex', 'user123', {
   *   createdAt: { $between: [startDate, endDate] }
   * });
   * // Query with pagination
   * const results = await Model.queryByIndex('statusIndex', 'active', null, {
   *   limit: 10,
   *   startKey: lastEvaluatedKey
   * });
   * // Query with related data
   * const results = await Model.queryByIndex('userIndex', userId, null, {
   *   loadRelated: true,
   *   relatedFields: ['organizationId']
   * });
  async queryByIndex(indexName, pkValue, skCondition = null, options = {}) {
    const index = this.indexes[indexName];
    if (!index) {
      throw new Error(`Index "${indexName}" not found in ${this.name} model`);

    // Validate sort key field if condition is provided
    if (skCondition) {
      const [[fieldName]] = Object.entries(skCondition);
      if (fieldName !== index.sk) {
        throw new Error(
          `Field "${fieldName}" is not the sort key for index "${indexName}"`,

    // Format the partition key using the field's toGsi method
    let formattedPk;
    if (index instanceof PrimaryKeyConfig) {
      formattedPk = this._formatPrimaryKey(this.modelPrefix, pkValue);
    } else {
      const pkField = this._getField(index.pk);
      const gsiValue = pkField.toGsi(pkValue);
      formattedPk = this._formatGsiKey(

    const params = this._getBaseQueryParams(
      index instanceof PrimaryKeyConfig ? "_pk" : `_${index.indexId}_pk`,
      skCondition ? { [index.sk]: skCondition[index.sk] } : null,
        gsiIndexId: index.indexId,
        gsiSortKeyName: `_${index.indexId}_sk`,

    // Add debug logging
    logger.log("DynamoDB Query Params:", {
      TableName: params.TableName,
      IndexName: params.IndexName,
      KeyConditionExpression: params.KeyConditionExpression,
      ExpressionAttributeNames: params.ExpressionAttributeNames,
      ExpressionAttributeValues: params.ExpressionAttributeValues,

    const response = await retryOperation(() =>
      this.documentClient.send(new QueryCommand(params)),

    // Add debug logging
    logger.log("DynamoDB Response:", {
      Count: response.Count,
      ScannedCount: response.ScannedCount,
      Items: response.Items?.map((item) => ({
        name: item.name,
        category: item.category,
        status: item.status,

    let totalItems;
    if (options.countOnly) {
      totalItems = response.Count;
    } else if (options.startKey) {
      totalItems = (options.previousCount || 0) + response.Items.length;
    } else {
      totalItems = response.Items.length;

    return this._processQueryResponse(response, {

  _getBaseQueryParams(pkFieldName, pkValue, skCondition, options = {}) {
    const keyBuilder = new KeyConditionBuilder();
    let keyConditionExpression = `#pk = :pk`;
    const expressionNames = { "#pk": pkFieldName };
    const expressionValues = { ":pk": pkValue };

    if (skCondition) {
      logger.log("Building key condition for:", {
        condition: skCondition,
        gsiSortKeyName: options.gsiIndexId
          ? `_${options.gsiIndexId}_sk`
          : "_sk",

      const skExpr = keyBuilder.buildKeyCondition(
        options.indexName || "primary",
        options.gsiIndexId ? `_${options.gsiIndexId}_sk` : "_sk",
      if (skExpr) {
        keyConditionExpression += ` AND ${skExpr.condition}`;
        Object.assign(expressionNames, skExpr.names);
        Object.assign(expressionValues, skExpr.values);

    const params = {
      TableName: this.table,
      KeyConditionExpression: keyConditionExpression,
      ExpressionAttributeNames: expressionNames,
      ExpressionAttributeValues: expressionValues,
      ScanIndexForward: options.direction !== "DESC",
      ReturnConsumedCapacity: "TOTAL",
      Limit: options.limit || this.defaultQueryLimit,

    // Add Select:COUNT for countOnly queries
    if (options.countOnly) {
      params.Select = "COUNT";

    // Add the IndexName if gsiIndexId is provided
    if (options.gsiIndexId) {
      params.IndexName = options.gsiIndexId;

    if (options.startKey) {
      params.ExclusiveStartKey = options.startKey;

    // Add filter expression if provided
    if (options.filter) {
      const filterBuilder = new FilterExpressionBuilder();
      const filterExpression = filterBuilder.build(options.filter, this);

      if (filterExpression) {
        params.FilterExpression = filterExpression.FilterExpression;

    return params;

  async _processQueryResponse(response, options = {}) {
    if (options.countOnly) {
      return {
        count: response.Count,
        consumedCapacity: response.ConsumedCapacity,

    const {
      returnWrapped = true,
      loadRelated = false,
      relatedFields = null,
      relatedOnly = false,
    } = options;

    if (relatedOnly) {
        relatedFields && relatedFields.length === 1,
        "relatedOnly requires a single entry in relatedFields",
      assert(loadRelated, "relatedOnly requires loadRelated to be true");

    // Create model instances
    let items = returnWrapped
      ? response.Items.map((item) => this._createFromDyItem(item))
      : response.Items;
    const loaderContext = options.loaderContext || {};

    // Load related data if requested
    if (returnWrapped && loadRelated) {
      await Promise.all(
        items.map((item) => item.loadRelatedData(relatedFields, loaderContext)),

      if (relatedOnly) {
        items = items.map((item) => item.getRelated(relatedFields[0]));

    return {
      count: items.length,
      lastEvaluatedKey: response.LastEvaluatedKey,
      consumedCapacity: response.ConsumedCapacity,

module.exports = QueryMethods;