new BaoModel(jsDataopt)
Base model that implements core functionality for all models. Do not instantiate this class directly, instead use a subclass, usually that has been generated by the code generator.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
jsData | Object | <optional> | The initial data for the model. |
Clear the consumed capacity for the current model instance.
Clear the related cache for a given field.
Name | Type | Description |
fieldName | string | The name of the field to clear. |
exists() → {boolean}
Returns true if the object exists. This is particularly useful when checking if an object has been found, since ObjectNotFound will be returned rather than null if an object is not found (so capacity information will also be returned).
True if the object exists, false otherwise.
- Type:
- boolean
getConsumedCapacity() → {Array.<Object>}
Get the consumed capacity for the current model instance. Every entry in this array will represent a separate operation.
The consumed capacity.
- Type:
- Array.<Object>
getNumericConsumedCapacity(type, includeRelatedopt) → {number}
Get the number of RCU/WCU consumed by a model instance. Additional capacity is added every time a new operation (finding, saving, loading related data) is performed on the instance. You can reset the consumed capacity by calling BaoModel#clearConsumedCapacity.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
type | string | Either "read", "write", or "total". | ||
includeRelated | boolean | <optional> | false | Whether to include capacity from related objects. |
The numeric consumed capacity.
- Type:
- number
(async) getOrLoadRelatedField(fieldName, loaderContextopt) → {Promise.<Object>}
Get or load a related field. If the field is already loaded, it will be returned without reloading. Otherwise, it will be loaded from the database and returned.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
fieldName | string | The name of the field to get or load. | ||
loaderContext | Object | <optional> | null | Cache context for storing and retrieving items across requests. |
Returns a promise that resolves to the loaded item.
- Type:
- Promise.<Object>
getPrimaryId() → {string}
Get the primary ID for a given object. This is a string that uniquely identifies the object in the database. When using BaoModel.find, this is the id to use. Do not make assumptions about how this id is formatted since it will depend on the model key structure.
The primary ID.
- Type:
- string
getRelated(fieldName) → {Object}
Get a related field. If the field is not loaded, it will return null.
Name | Type | Description |
fieldName | string | The name of the field to get. |
The related field.
- Type:
- Object
hasChanges() → {boolean}
Returns true if any fields have been modified since the object was last loaded from the database.
True if there are changes, false otherwise.
- Type:
- boolean
isLoaded() → {boolean}
Returns true if the object has been loaded from the database.
True if the object has been loaded, false otherwise.
- Type:
- boolean
(async) loadRelatedData(fieldNamesopt, loaderContextopt) → {Promise.<Object>}
Load objects for RelatedField's on the current model instance.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
fieldNames | Array.<string> | <optional> | null | The names of the fields to load. If not provided, all related fields will be loaded. |
loaderContext | Object | <optional> | null | Cache context for storing and retrieving items across requests. |
Returns a promise that resolves to the loaded items and their consumed capacity
- Type:
- Promise.<Object>
(async) save(optionsopt) → {Promise.<Object>}
Save the current object to the database. This operation will diff the current state of the object with the state that has been loaded from dynamo to determine which changes need to be saved.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
options | Object | <optional> | Additional options for the save operation. Properties
Returns a promise that resolves to the updated item.
- Type:
- Promise.<Object>
(static) batchFind(primaryIds, loaderContextopt) → {Promise.<Object>}
This is the primary way to load multiple objects given an array of ids. This function should only be used when BaoModel.find or BaoModel#loadRelatedData is not sufficient.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
primaryIds | Array.<string> | The primary IDs of the items to load | |
loaderContext | Object | <optional> | Cache context for storing and retrieving items across requests. |
Returns a promise that resolves to the loaded items and their consumed capacity
- Type:
- Promise.<Object>
(static) create(jsUpdates) → {Promise.<Object>}
Create a new item in the database.
Name | Type | Description |
jsUpdates | Object | The data to create the item with. |
- Source
Returns a promise that resolves to the created item.
- Type:
- Promise.<Object>
(static) delete(primaryId, optionsopt) → {Promise.<Object>}
Delete an existing item in the database.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
primaryId | string | The primary ID of the item to delete. | |
options | Object | <optional> | Additional options for the delete operation. |
- Source
Returns a promise that resolves to the deleted item.
- Type:
- Promise.<Object>
(static) find(primaryId, optionsopt) → {Promise.<Object>}
Find is the primary way to look up an object given its id. It will return the object if it exists, or an ObjectNotFound instance if it does not. Find supports efficient batch loading and caching. In general, this function should be preferred over BaoModel.batchFind. Find uses batchFind internally, unless batchDelay is set to 0.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description | |||||||||||||||
primaryId | string | The primary ID of the item to find | |||||||||||||||||
options | Object | <optional> | {} | Optional configuration for the find operation Properties
If the batch request times out or other errors occur during the operation
- Type
- Error
Returns a promise that resolves to the found item instance or ObjectNotFound
- Type:
- Promise.<Object>
(async, static) findByUniqueConstraint(constraintName, value, loaderContextopt) → {Promise.<Object>}
Find an object by a unique constraint. Any unique constraint can also be used to find an object.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
constraintName | string | The name of the unique constraint to use. | ||
value | string | The value of the unique constraint. | ||
loaderContext | Object | <optional> | null | Cache context for storing and retrieving items across requests. |
Returns a promise that resolves to the found item.
- Type:
- Promise.<Object>
(static) getPrimaryId(data) → {string}
Static version of BaoModel#getPrimaryId.
Name | Type | Description |
data | Object | The data object to get the primary ID for. |
The primary ID.
- Type:
- string
(static) getRelatedObjectsViaMap()
Queries related objects via a mapping table.
This is primary used by the code generator to build helper functions for querying related objects. For most common operations, you should not need to use this method directly.
- Source
(static) queryByIndex(indexName, pkValue, skCondition, options) → {Promise.<Object>}
This is the primary method for querying data via a named index or primary key. If possible, you should always specify a sort key condition using skCondition. This will use dynamodb's index to query the data without scanning the partition.
Optionally, you can specify a filter condition to further narrow down the results. Please note that a filter condition will scan anything in the partition that matches the skCondition, so if you haven't specified a skCondition, this will scan the entire partition (and consume more capacity units). However, there may also be times when this works without issue and is more efficient than adding another index and paying for the write overhead of the index.
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
indexName | string | The name of the index to query based on the model definition | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pkValue | string | | The partition key value to query. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
skCondition | Object | | Optional sort key condition in the format: { fieldName: value } or { fieldName: { $operator: value } } Supported operators: $between, $beginsWith Example: { status: 'active' } or { createdAt: { $between: [date1, date2] } } | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
options | Object | Additional query options Properties
- Source
If index name is not found in model
- Type
- Error
If sort key condition references wrong field
- Type
- Error
Returns an object containing:
- items: Array of model instances or raw items
- count: Number of items scanned
- lastEvaluatedKey: Key for pagination (if more items exist)
- consumedCapacity: DynamoDB response metadata including ConsumedCapacity
- Type:
- Promise.<Object>
// Basic query
const results = await Model.queryByIndex('statusIndex', 'active');
// Query with sort key condition
const results = await Model.queryByIndex('dateIndex', 'user123', {
createdAt: { $between: [startDate, endDate] }
// Query with pagination
const results = await Model.queryByIndex('statusIndex', 'active', null, {
limit: 10,
startKey: lastEvaluatedKey
// Query with related data
const results = await Model.queryByIndex('userIndex', userId, null, {
loadRelated: true,
relatedFields: ['organizationId']
(static) queryByPrimaryKey(pkValue, skCondition, options) → {Promise.<Object>}
Queries items by their primary key value with an optional sort key condition
For more details, see queryByIndex. In general, it's recommended to use queryByIndex and give a name to the index. You can do this by adding an index name in the indexes section of the model definition and setting it to primaryKey. For example:
models: TaggedPost: ... indexes: postsForTag: this.primaryKey
Name | Type | Description |
pkValue | * | The partition key value to query |
skCondition | Object | | Optional sort key condition in the format: { fieldName: value } or { fieldName: { $operator: value } } |
options | Object | Query options (same as queryByIndex options) |
- Source
Returns an object containing items, count, lastEvaluatedKey, and consumedCapacity
- Type:
- Promise.<Object>
(static) setTestId(testId)
ONLY use this for testing. It allows tests to run in isolation and prevent data from being shared between tests/tests to run in parallel. However, it should not be used outside of this context. For examples, showing how to use this, see the tests.
Name | Type | Description |
testId | string | The ID of the test. |
(static) update(primaryId, jsUpdates, optionsopt) → {Promise.<Object>}
Update an existing item in the database.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
primaryId | string | The primary ID of the item to update. | |
jsUpdates | Object | The data to update the item with. | |
options | Object | <optional> | Additional options for the update operation. |
- Source
Returns a promise that resolves to the updated item.
- Type:
- Promise.<Object>